The Riverside International Film Festival is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Bringing the best in contemporary international and independent films to the Inland Empire region of Southern California
Our Mission
Annually since 2002, RIFF has brought the best in contemporary international and independent film to the Inland Empire region of Southern California, the fastest growing area in America. In this, our 19th year, RIFF seeks diverse and challenging films of social upheaval, human conflict, and the boldness of the human spirit, particularly on such topics as U.S. immigrant experiences, veterans’ concerns, and overcoming adversity. We also enjoy the best of comedy, mystery, science fiction, and horror. We particularly appreciate subtitled films, student films, and animation. A very high percentage of filmmakers and actors attend to present their films, interact with audiences and other filmmakers, and participate in workshops and forums.
What We've Achieved
A signature event on the Riverside calender.
Brought positive recognition for Riverside on the International stage.
Encouraged student participation at school, university and community level.
Improved quality of life in Inland Empire by having a world class event.
Participation of Interns to learn about running a Film Festival and helping with contacts in the Entertainment industry.
“I met some nice filmmakers at the festival. The staff was very friendly. I’ve had two films screen there now and both were received well.”